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Suite #9
50th Street, Panama
Ph: 263-3423
Fx: 263-8680

Other Insurance

We offer coverage for many needs. Feel free to contact us if you need more information.

Electronic Data Processing Insurance

Because of the nature of this insurance, it is known as an "all-risk" insurance. It has coverages against physical damage that may affect the insured equipment, that would require repair or replacement.

Optionally, coverage can be included to indemnify for the increase of the cost of operations caused by the damage.

Marine Hull Insurance

Ensure your ship has total protection!

Our hull marine insurances cover ships, yatch, and boats against perils of the sea (rivers and lakes too), explosions, running aground, sinking, fire, lightning, and collision. They also provide protection from damages to other vessels, ports, docks, wharfs, buoys, etc.

Aviation Insurance

Whether it is used for pleasure, business, or commercial purposes, our aviation policies offer protection for your aircraft, crew members, passengers, and other third parties.

These policies are complemented with optional liability, personal accidents, and medical expenses coverages for crew members and passengers.

Personal Articles

Insure assets that generally receive limited coverage in other policies! We can help you insure jewelry, silverware, fine art, rugs, golf equipment, and others.

For commercial property, we can also insure expos, animals, photography and television equipment, art in museum and galleries, important documents and registers, and many others.

Liability Insurance

Liability policies are used to protect your assets. They offer coverage for repairing damages and injuries inflicted to other people and property, accidentaly or negligently. They can insure family members, pets, domestic workers, independent professionals, and businesses depending on the situation.

Employee Dishonesty Insurance

These insurances cover loss of money and other assets from fraudulent activities perpetrated by one or more employees. Coverages can include loss of money inside or outside the establishment, forgery of checks, wires, and signatures.


Copyright © 2006-2013, CRM Seguros, S.A. -- Registered Company at the Superintendencia de Seguros y Reaseguros de Panamá